1. Following Kaaka Kaaka in 2003, the director Gautham Menon and Suriya Sivakumar expressed their desire to work together on a film. In early 2005, the pair got together for a film tentatively titled Chennaiyil Oru Mazhaikkalam which featured Asin Thottumkal in the lead role and Daniel Balaji in a supporting one. However, after a photo shoot, the film was delayed and then subsequently called off due to Menon's personal problems. Nevertheless, in 2006, producer Oscar Ravichandran signed up the pair for a new film, which they confirmed was not going to be a sequel of their previous venture; it was going to be a romantic thriller. Initially titles such as “Naan Thaan” and “Udal Porul” Aavi were considered for the project, but Menon announced the title was “Vaaranam Aayiram”, with the literal meaning of "The strength of a thousand elephants".
A song was filmed by an assistant cameraman with a high-tech camera, costing about Rs. 1.5 crores fastened to his hip. While the assistant was moving behind the actors canning the shots, he tripped unexpectedly and the camera broke to pieces. It is also said that the assistant suffered severe head injuries and was admitted to a hospital. The shot resumed a day later with a similar camera.
Menon stated that Suriya Sivakumar will be seen playing the dual roles of a 21-year-old and his father and that the film will be society themed. It was set to release in 2007 and was been delayed for a 14 November 2008 release. The audio of Vaaranam Aayiram was released on 24 September 2008. Menon has described the film as "autobiographical and a very personal story and if people didn’t know, that 70% of this [the film] is from my life". During the production of the film,
Suriya described the project as "unique" and "straight from the heart", describing the physical hardships he endured during the making. He lost weight and prepared a six pack for the film through an eight-month fitness regime without steroids, with the move being a trend-setter for other leading actors from South India.
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